Volunteer with the Downtown Hyattsville Arts Festival 9/21/2024

Call for Volunteers

The Downtown Hyattsville Arts Festival is seeking volunteers! We are looking for as many volunteer as possible, so we can set up, break down, and work the event itself--helping visitors move around, speaking with the artists and artisans, and taking plenty of photos! Volunteers can receive community service hours. It’s hard work, but rewarding. You’ll have the chance to meet artists, interact with other service-minded people, and to help your local community! Students, service organizations, churches, civic-minded individuals, or locals who want to pitch in are encouraged to sign up!

Help Us Spread the word! 

Click here to download the 2024 Volunteers Flyer English

Click here to download the


Se Busca Voluntarios

El Festival de Arte de Hyattsville está buscando voluntarios! Buscamos la mayor cantidad de voluntarios posible, de modo que podamos configurar, dividir y trabajar el evento en sí mismo, ayudando a los visitantes a moverse, hablando con los artistas y artesanos, y tomando muchas fotos! Los voluntarios pueden recibir horas de servicio comunitario. Es un trabajo duro, pero gratificante. ¡Tendrá la oportunidad de conocer artistas, interactuar con otras personas con vocación de servicio y ayudar a su comunidad local! ¡Se alienta a los estudiantes, organizaciones de servicio, iglesias, personas con mentalidad cívica o residentes locales que deseen participar, a inscribirse!

¡Corre La Voz!

Haga clic aquí para descargar el folleto de los voluntarios de 2024 en Español

Festival Date September 21st, 2024

Set Up Volunteers- 6am to 12pm

Looking for 20 strong individuals to help set up the festival booths and tents, and to ensure a safe and fun environment for visitors. Will also engage our very first festival attendees this year! Perks include free tasting passes to the beer elements of the festival (21+ only, valid after the shift)

Festival Volunteers- 12pm to 5pm

Looking for 10 outgoing individuals to guide our visitors toward parking and festival highlights, hand out information, assist with mainstage performances, and document our festival through photos and video. Perks include free tasting passes to the beer elements of the festival (21+ only, valid after the shift)

Break Down Volunteers- 4pm to 8:30pm

20 Vital individuals to help break down and clean up the festival in a timely manner for the convenience of the community, and to assist our invaluable artists in getting ready to leave.

Interested individuals and organizations should sign up- here! 

Questions? Ask Mabel Perez at festival@hyattsvillecdc.org or call (301) 683-8267.

Festival es Sábado 21 de Septiembre 2024

Voluntarios de Apertura- 6am to 12pm

En busca de personas fuertes para ayudar a establecer las cabinas y carpas del festival, y para garantizar un ambiente seguro y divertido para los visitantes. ¡también involucraremos a nuestros primeros asistentes al festival este año! Las ventajas incluyen pases de degustación gratuitos para los elementos de cerveza del festival (solo para personas mayores de 21 años, válido después del turno)

Voluntarios de Evento- 12pm to 5pm

Buscando personas extrovertidas que guíen a nuestros visitantes hacia el estacionamiento y los aspectos más destacados del festival, distribuyan información, colaboren con las actuaciones principales y documenten nuestro festival a través de fotos y videos. Las ventajas incluyen pases de degustación gratuitos para los elementos de cerveza del festival (solo para mayores de 21 años, válido después del turno)

Voluntarios de clausura- 4pm to 8:30pm

Personas vitales para ayudar a dividir y limpiar el festival de manera oportuna para la conveniencia de la comunidad, y para ayudar a nuestros artistas invaluables a prepararse para partir.

Las personas y organizaciones interesadas deberían registrarse, ¡aquí!

¿Preguntas? Pregúntar a Srta. Mabel Perez en festival@hyattsvillecdc.org o llama al (301) 683-8267.

Pre-Festival Volunteers Wanted!

The 2018 Downtown Hyattsville Arts Festival: Arts & Ales is seeking volunteers! Will you consider contributing an hour or two to Hyattsville Community Development Corporation (HCDC) to make 2018 festival a success?

The Hyattsville CDC is dedicated to the revitalization and sustainable development of the Hyattsville community. Founded in the fall of 2000 by a few community activists, it seeks to develop arts, entertainment and public spaces in order to spur economic development in the Hyattsville area. Since its inception, the CDC has been leading major community development of the City’s commercial corridors.

The Downtown Hyattsville Arts Festival: Arts & Ales is Hyattsville CDC’s big annual event. It takes place Saturday, September 22, 2018, 12:00noon – 6:00pm. Its focus is to promote and present the multi-faceted art community of Hyattsville to the DC Metro community and its visitors. This year, the Festival will cover three streets (eight blocks) of downtown Hyattsville. And, we expect about 125 exhibiting artists and artisans, Maryland breweries and food vendors and live entertainment. More than 5,000 are expected to attend.


Click here to learn more on how you can get involved!


A festival-goer poses in front of a colorful new mural at Three Little Birds Sewing Co. during the Arts & Ales Festival. Photo by Krissi Humbard

Are you on the ARTS AND ALES Mailing List?

Arts and Ales, the 11th Annual Downtown Hyattsville Arts Festival, will be held on Saturday, September 22nd, 2018. More information will be available late early May once applications open.

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Join our online mailing list.

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Questions? Contact the Hyattsville CDC staff at festival@hyattsvillecdc.org. Check out our 2017 Year-in-Review Newsletter to learn more about the CDC.

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